VisLab | HCI Group | CMA Thrust Area | EMIA Division

Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

Members | Photos | PhD Placement | Academic Family Tree | Awards

We are looking for multiple Postdoc, PhD, Mphil, and RA/Intern:
For potential PhD, Mphil, MscIT, and UROP students

Research Interests:

Big Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Human Computer Interaction, Explainable AI , AI for Vis , Urban Computing/Smart City, E-Learning , Social Media , Social Network/Graph , Fintech, Multimodal Human Communication , Pulse of HKUST , and Augmented Reality

Data Visualization (talk) | Human-AI Teaming for Decision Making

Huamin Qu (屈华民, 屈華民)

Demos: Graphs | VisMOOC | PG Defense | Air Traffic | Collaborators | VisPaper | egoSlider | smartAdp | HK Metro Map | Top TVCG authors
Design Thinking: Videos | Course | Media 1 | Media 2 | Media 3 | IEEE Potentials Article

Talk and Videos: What does big data look like? | Videos: Pulse of HKUST | WeChat Demo

Short Bio:

Huamin Qu is the dean of the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), the head of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), and a chair professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and was the acting head of the Computational Media and Arts Thrust Areas (CMA) at HKUST(GZ). He obtained a BS in Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, an MS and a PhD in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University. He is the director of the VisLab and also serves as the coordinator of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group at the CSE department. His main research interests are in visualization and human-computer interaction, with focuses on urban informatics, social network analysis, E-learning, text visualization, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). He has co-authored about 300 refereed papers and more than 100 papers have been published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), making him one of the most productive researchers in this journal. He was an associate editor of Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) and IEEE TVCG, a paper co-chair for IEEE VIS'14, VIS'15 and VIS'18, a program co-chair for IEEE PacificVis'11 and IEEE PacificVis'12, a conference co-chair for VINCI'11 and VINCI'12, and a program vice chair for ChinaGraph 2014. He was inducted to IEEE Visualization Academy in 2020.

His research has been recognized by many awards including the IEEE VGTC Technical Achievement Award, 15 best paper/honorable mention awards, 2009 IBM Faculty Award, 2014 Higher Education Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) from the Ministry of Education of China, 2015 HKICT Best Innovation (Innovative Technology) Silver Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 2015 APICTA Merit Award in E-Learning from the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance, 2016 Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, 2018 Yelp Dataset Challenge Round 10 Grand Prize Award, and 2019 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award. The technologies developed by his group have been adopted by Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, Tencent, Bosch, etc. His teaching and research have received more than 30 media coverages, including NHK TV, IEEE spectrum, MIT News, Tech in Asia, Southern China Morning Post, Ming Pao, Wenhui Pao, etc.

He has acted as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator for multiple large-scale research projects such as ITF projects on E-learning, RGC theme-based projects on digital citizenship and air pollution monitoring, UGC AoE project on slope safety, and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) project on big data. He has graduated 41 PhDs and 30 Mphils, and his students won awards like IBM PhD Fellowship, Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship, HKICT Best Innovation and Research (College & Undergraduates) Silver Award, Best Paper awards of IEEE VAST, IEEE VIS, ACM CHI and ACM IUI, Honorable Mention Awards of ACM CHI, IEEE VIS and IEEE PacificVis, HKUST SENG PhD Research Excellence Award and HKUST Overseas Research Awards.

Contact Info:

Email: huamin (at) cse dot ust dot hk ( Office: Rm 2529 Phone: (852)-2358-6985

Media: Highlights

Awards and Honors: (Paper Awards ) | (Infographics on Achievements)

  • I am included in the 2024 Stanford's List of World's Top 2% Scientists.
  • Our paper "PyGWalker: On-the-fly Assistant for Exploratory Visual Data Analysis" has received IEEE VIS Best Short Paper (with Yue Yu et al.)
  • I am recognized as the 2024 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar in Visualization for outstanding and vibrant contributions to this field between 2014 and 2023 (ranked No. 1 in the world)
  • I received the IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award . The award citation ( Media 1) ( Media 2 )
  • I am recognized as the 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar in Visualization for outstanding and vibrant contributions to this field between 2013 and 2022 (ranked No. 2 in the world)
  • Our paper "Exploring Interactions with Printed Data Visualizations in Augmented Reality” won an Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2022.
  • We won the first-class Prize of Zhejiang Province Natural Science, (with Wei Chen et al.) 2021
  • Our paper "Structure-Aware Visualization Retrieval" has won an Honorable Mention Award at ACM CHI 2022 (with Haotian Li et al.)
  • Our paper "VBridge: Connecting the Dots Between Features, Explanations, and Data for Healthcare Models" has won an Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2021 (with Furui Cheng, Dongyu Liu, Fan Du, Yanna Lin, Alexandra Zytek, Haomin Li, and Kalyan Veeramachaneni)
  • Our paper "KG4Vis: A Knowledge Graph-Based Approach for Visualization Recommendation" has won an Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2021 (with Haotian Li, Yong Wang, Songheng Zhang, Yangqiu Son)
  • Our paper "M^2Lens: Visualizing and Explaining Multimodal Models for Sentiment Analysis" has won an Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2021 (with Xingbo Wang, Jianben He, Zhihua Jin, Muqiao Yang, Yong Wang)
  • Our paper "Augmenting Sports Videos with VisCommentator" has won an Honorable Mention Award at IEEE VIS 2021 (with Zhutian Chen, Shuainan Ye, Xiangtong Chu, Haijun Xia, Hui Zhang, and Yingcai Wu)
  • I am inducted to IEEE Visualization Academy on Oct. 2020. Induction into the Vis Academy is the highest and most prestigious honor in the field of visualization.
  • AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award (for Contributions to the field of Visualization between 2009 and 2019) News 1 | CSE News | SENG News | Official Announcement
  • ChinaVis'20, Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award (with Xinhuan Shu et al.)
  • IEEE VIS 2019 Short Paper Honorable Mention Award (with Yu Ho Lo and Yao Ming)
  • IEEE VIS 2019 Best Poster Award (with Meng Xia et al.)
  • Second-class award from China Computer Federation (with Shixia Liu et al.)
  • Yelp Dataset Challenge Round 10 Grand Prize Award (with Yao Ming, Shaozu Cao, Ruixiang Zhang, Zhen Li, Yuanzhe Chen, and Yangqiu Song) ( about the award )
  • 2018 Mr. Armin and Mrs. Lillian Kitchell UROP Faculty Award
  • Honorable Mention Best Paper Award for ACM SIGCHI 2018 (with Ke Xu, Nan Cao, Shunan Guo, David Gotz, Yixin Chen)
  • IEEE VAST Challenge 2017 Multi-Challenge Award: Compelling Synthesis of Information (with Lian Chen, Qiao Gu, Haotian Li, Chengzhong Liu, Hang Yin, and Xuanwu Yue)
  • Nomination for UGC Teaching Award (with TC Pong, James Lee, and Ben Y. B. Chan)
  • Distinguished Collaborator Award 2016 from Huawei Noah's Ark Lab
  • Honorable Mention Paper Award for ChinaVis 2016 (with Yixian Zheng, Wenchao Wu, Nan Chao, Lionel Ni)
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award in the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2016 (with Tongshuan Wu, Yingcai Wu, Conglei Shi and Weiwei Cui)
  • Best Visualization Notes Award in the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2016 (with Tongshuang Wu, Yuan Yao, Yuqing Duan and Xinzhi Fan)
  • UROP Faculty Research Award (Three Times)
  • Merit Award in E-Learning at APICTA'15: VisMOOC (with Qing Chen, Siwei Fu, Dongyu Liu, Yuanzhe Chen, and Conglei Shi)
  • Honorable Mention for IEEE VAST Grand Challenge Competition (with Siwei Fu et al.)
  • The Hong Kong ICT Awards (HKICT Awards) 2015: Best Innovation (Innovative Technology) Silver Award (with Conglei Shi, Qing Chen, and Siwei Fu)
  • 2014 Higher Education Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) presented by the Ministry of Education of China (with Ronghua Liang et al.)
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE VAST 2014 (with Conglei Shi, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Hong Zhou)
  • Best Paper Award at the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2014) (with Hong Zhou, Panpan Xu, Zhong Ming)
  • Best Paper Award at the 13th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2013) (with Haidong Chen, Ji Wang, Weifeng Chen, and Wei Chen)
  • IBM Faculty Award 2009
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE Visualization 2009

Student Supervision Achievements:

  • My students won RedBird Scholarship 2023-2024 (20K to 43K cash prize): Haotian Li, Kentaro TaKahira, Linping Yun, Yanna Lin, Zhihua Jin, Liwenhan Xie, Yuying Tang, Hanlu Mu, Shuchang Xu)
  • My students won RedBird Scholarship 2022-2023 (20K to 43K cash prize): Yihao Meng, Barakeel FANSEU KAMHOUA, Leixian Shen, Haotian Li, Linping Yuan, Yanna Lin, Zhihua Jin
  • My students won overseas research awards: Yanna Li (to visit CMU for 3 months), Linping Yuen (to visit Cambridge University for 6 months), Jianben He (to visit New York University for 3 months), Kam Kwai WONG (to visit Georgie Tech for 6 months), Liwenhan Xie (to visit Harvard for 3 months)
  • My student WU Aoyu received the prestigious IEEE VGTC VIS Doctoral Dissertation Award , first from Asia. Award Citation
  • My student SHU Xinhuan will join the Newcastle University as a lecturer. Totally 14 of my PhD graduates are now faculty members in major universities.
  • My student LIU Dongyu will join the CS Department at UC Davis as a tenure-track assistant professor
  • My student XIA Meng will join the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University as a tenure-track assistant professor
  • My student WANG Qianwen will join the the CSE department at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (UMN) as a tenure-track Assistant Professor
  • My student CHEN Zhutian will join the the CSE department at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (UMN) as a tenure-track Assistant Professor
  • My student Haotian Li won the 2023 Style3D Graduate Fellowship
  • My student WU Aoyu is a finalist for SENG PhD Research Excellence Award (only 1 winner and 2 finalists from more than 1000 PhD students in SENG)
  • My student WU Aoyu won Inaugural CSE Best Dissertation Award (1 out of about 50 PhD graduates of CSE)
  • My student LI Haotian won 2022 Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship (only 12 from Asia)
  • My student Yuan Linping won the Style3D Graduate Fellowship at 2022
  • 9 VisLab students won the HKUST RedBird PhD Award: LI Haobo, Kentaro Takahira,YUAN Linping, JIN Zhihua, WU Aoyu, CHENG Furui, WANG Yifang, LI Haotian, LIN Yanna.
  • My student WU Aoyu won the prestigious Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship (Only 11 from Aisa)
  • My student XIA Meng won the prestigious RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDFS) 2021 (only 50 awardees each year in HK)
  • Our Pulse project won Merit Award in APICTA 2019
  • My student LIU Dongyu was shortlisted for SENG PhD Research Excellence Award (only 3 in the School of Engineering)
  • My student Yu Ho Lo won 2019 Professor Samuel Chanson Best TA award
  • My students Yu Ho Lo and Yao Ming won IEEE VIS 2019 Short Paper Honorable Mention Award
  • My students XIA Meng, MING Yao, and WANG Qianwen won HKUST SENG Top Rpg Award
  • HKUST Overseas Research Awards 2019 (PhD students: WANG Qianwen to visit Oxford University and CHEN Zhutian to visit University of Edinburg)
  • My student Ka Wing Tsang and WANG Xingbo has won the Student Team Award at HKUST-SINO ONE MILLION DOLLAR ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPETITION 2019 (with Winnie LAM Wing Tung)
  • Our "Pulse of HKUST" won HKICT 2019 Student Innovation (Post-Graduate) Gold Award (WU Aoyu, KU Bon-kyung, Tong Wai, YANG Leni)
  • My student LIU Dongyu won IEEE VAST 2018 best paper award
  • My student LIU Dongyu receives overseas research award to visit MIT for 6 months
  • My students Yao Ming, Zhen Li, and Yuanzhe CHEN won Yelp Dataset Challenge Round 10 Grand Prize Award
  • My student Quan Li won SENG Top RPG (research postgraduate) award 2017-2018
  • HKUST Overseas Research Award 2018 (PhD students: Haipeng Zeng and Quan Li to visit Georgia Tech)
  • KU Bon Kyung and FELYCIA . won 2018 Professor Samuel Chanson Best FYP award under my supervision (one of the seven teams)
  • DU Xinnan, ZHU Xinyu, and YU Zeqing won 2018 Professor Samuel Chanson Best FYP award under my supervision (one of the seven teams)
  • One of "Teachers I Like" Nominated by Outstanding Students (CGA>=3.85) 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019
  • Gu Qiao won 2018 Mr. Armin and Mrs. Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award Second Runner-UP under my supervision
  • My student Xu Ke won ACM CHI 2018 Honorable Mention Award
  • My student WANG Yong won ACM IUI 2017 Best Paper Award (with Chun-Fu Chen et al.)
  • HKUST Overseas Research Award 2017 (PhD student: CHEN Yuanzhe to visit MIT)
  • A team of students won IEEE VAST Challenge 2017 Multi-Challenge Award: Compelling Synthesis of Information (UG students: Lian Chen, Qiao Gu, Haotian Li, Chengzhong Liu, Hang Yin, and PhD student Xuanwu Yue)
  • My student Dongyu Liu won the Excellent Oral Presentation Award in International Doctoral Students Conference held by Zhejiang University for the 120th anniversary
  • Honorable Mention Award in Visualization Contest for Public Welfare on the Cloud organized by Alibaba (Students: CHEN Qing and YANG Yi)
  • Bronze Award of ASM Technology Award 2016 (UG students CHAN Yeuk Yin, CHOW Ho Yin, NG Andy with project "Big Data Analytic Platform for Financial Market Prediction and Visualization")
  • Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Award 2016 (UG students: CHAN Yeuk Yin, CHOW Ho Yin, and NG Andy)
  • My student Wu Yanhong won Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at ACM CHI 2016 with a joint paper with Jian Zhao et al.
  • HKUST Overseas Research Award 2016 (PhD Students: WU Yanhong to visit INRIA, France; WANG Yong to visit IBM Watson, USA; WANG Yun to visit Oxford, UK)
  • 2016 Mr. Armin and Mrs. Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award First Runner Up (UG student: Yuek-Yin CHAN)
  • 2016 Mr. Armin and Mrs. Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award Second Runner Up (UG student: Abishek Puri)
  • Two students WU Yincai and CAO Nan have been selected by China's 1000 Talented Youth Program (国家青年千人计划).
  • Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship 2015 (PhD student: Yun Wang)
  • Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship Nomination Award 2015 (PhD student: Yanhong Wu)
  • The IEEE VGTC VPG International Data-Visualization Contest 2015: Winner of Appropriateness (UG students: Shaoyu Chen and Yuxuan Zou)
  • SENG PhD Fellowship 2015 - 2016 (PhD student: Quan Li)
  • A project called "Memory TV" done by my Mphil student Naveen Pitipornvivat and his teammates has been covered by news media: Media 1 | Media 2 | Media 3 |
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE VAST 2014 (PhD student: Conglei Shi)
  • Overseas Research Award 2014-15 (PhD student: Panpan Xu. Visiting GeorgiaTech)
  • SENG PhD Research Excellence Award 2012 (PhD student: Nan Cao)
  • Overseas Research Award 2012-13 (PhD student: Conglei Shi. Visited INRIA)
  • SENG PhD Fellowship Award 2012 - 13 (PhD student: Conglei Shi)
  • Overseas Research Award 2010-2011 (PhD student: Weiwei Cui. Visited UC Davis)
  • IBM PhD Fellowship Award 2010/2011 (PhD Student: Weiwei Cui)
  • Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at IEEE Visualization 2009 (PhD Student: Ming-Yuen Chan et al.)
  • HKICT Best Innovation and Research (College & Undergraduates) Silver Award and Certificate of Merit - Best Innovation Award (2007) (MPhil student: Wing-Yi Chan)
  • Overseas Research Attachment Program Scholarship 2007 (PhD student: Yingcai Wu. visited Stony Brook University)
  • Overseas Research Attachment Program Scholarship 2007 (PhD student: Hong Zhou. visited University of Minnesota at Twin Cities.)
  • Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Award 2009 (UG students: Vin Lee, Ka-Ki Chik, and Kei-Hung Hui)
  • Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Award 2008 (UG students: Kwan-Lok LO and Pang-Tsun Ho)

Group Members:

  • Xian Xu (Research Assistant Professor, PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • Sicheng Song (Postdoc, PhD from East China Normal University)
  • Yuzhe Jiang (PhD student, from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; since Aug. 2018)
  • HE Jianben (PhD, Co-supervised with Prof. ZHANG Qian, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
  • XIE Liwenhan (PhD, from Peking University, since Aug. 2020)
  • Kento Shigyo (PhD, from Kobe University, since Aug. 2020)
  • Kam Kwai WONG (PhD, from HKUST, since Jan. 2020)
  • SHENG Rui (PhD, HKPFS, from Wuhan University, since 2021)
  • MA Zhengyang (PhD in IIP(CMA), from Birmingham University/China Academy of Arts, since Aug. 2020)
  • CAO Yifan (PhD in IIP (CMA), from Zhejiang University, co-supervised with Prof. Yang Wang, since Aug. 2020)
  • LI Haobo (PhD, from Sun Yat-Sen University/Shanghai Jiaotong University, since Aug. 2022)
  • CHEN Zixin (PhD, from HKUST, since Aug. 2022)
  • TAKAHIRA Kentaro (PhD, HKPFS, from Kyoto University, since Aug. 2022)
  • Yihan Hou (PhD in CMA of HKUST (GZ), co-supervsied with Wei Zeng, since Aug. 2022)
  • Xiaofu Sun (PhD in IIP-CMA, co-supervised with Prof. Mingming Fan, since Jan. 2022)
  • Ziwei Wu (PhD in IIP-CMA, co-supervised with Prof. Kang Zhang, since Aug. 2020)
  • HU, Rui (PhD in IIP)
  • Zhonghua Sheng (PhD in IIP, since Aug. 2023)
  • Yihao MENG (PhD in CSE, HKPFS, since Aug. 2023)
  • Leixian, SHEN (PhD in CSE, since Aug. 2023)
  • FANSEU KAMHOUA, Barakeel (PhD in CSE, since Aug. 2023)
  • SHI Yuzhe (PhD in CSE, since Jan. 2024)
  • HE Yujia (PhD in CSE, since Jan. 2024)
  • MA Hanlu (PhD in IIP, since Aug. 2024)
  • TANG Yuying (PhD in IIP, since Aug. 2024)
  • ZHOU Jiayi (PhD in IIP, since Aug. 2024)
  • WEI Zheng (PhD in IIP, since Aug. 2024)
  • YU Yue (Mphil in CSE, co-supervised with Cameron Campbell, since Aug. 2023)
  • LI Yanjia (Mphil in CSE, co-supervised with LIU Jia, since Aug. 2023)
  • XU Chang (Mphil in CSE, since Jan. 2024)

Past Members:

PhD students (46) ( PhD Placement ) (My academic family tree ) Master of Philosophy (Mphil) Students (30): Postdocs, Visiting Scholars, Visiting Interns and Research Assistants (43)
  • GIOVANNANGELI Loann (Postdoc, PhD from University of Bordeaux, France, Feb. 2024 - Aug. 2024, now associate professor at University of Bordeaux, France)
  • Jiachen Wang (Postdoc, PhD from Zhejiang University, Sep. 2023 - Aug. 2024, now assistant professor at Zhejiang University)
  • Leni Yang (Postdoc, PhD from HKUST; Dec. 2022 - Aug. 2024, now postdoc at INRIA)
  • Alex Zikai Wen (Postdoc, PhD from Cornell University, since Jul. 2021 - 2023, now )
  • WEI Huan (RA/PhD, from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Aug. 2019 - 2023)
  • Xingbo Wang (Postdoc, PhD from HKUST; Sep. 2022 - Jun. 2023, now postdoc at Cornel University)
  • Mengling Qiao (Postdoc, PhD from Wuhan University, Jul. 2022 - Jan. 2023)
  • Xinhuan Shu (Postdoc, PhD from HKUST, Nov. 2021 - Aug. 2022)
  • Meng Xia (Postdoc, Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2021)
  • Zhutian Chen (Postdoc, Mar. 2020 - Oct. 2020, now postdoc at The University California, San Diego)
  • Rong Zhang (Postdoc, from Jan. 2018 - Aug. 2020, now lecturer at HKUST GZ)
  • XU Min (Research Assistant, Sep. 2018 - Sep. 2020)
  • LI Haotian (RA, from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Sep. 2019-2020)
  • Reshika P V (RA, since Sep. 2019- Aug. 2020)
  • LIN Yating (visiting student from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Aug. 2019 - Feb. 2020)
  • Kam Kwai WONG (Research Assistant, since Sep. 2019 to Dec. 2019)
  • Pablo Fernandez Acin (visiting student from Spain, since Aug. 2019 to Dec. 2020)
  • HAO Jiahui (visiting student from Zhejiang University, since Sep. 2019 to Dec. 2020)
  • Ke Xu (Postdoc, Sep. 2019 - Nov. 2019)
  • WANG Zian (Visiting PG student from China Academy of Arts, Mar to Aug 2019)
  • Gurparkash Singh (Visiting UG student from IIT Bombay, India, May to Jul 2019)
  • WANG Xi (Visiting PG student from China Academy of Arts, Mar to May 2019)
  • Kento Shigyo (Visiting PG student from Kobe University, Feb. - Mar. 2019)
  • JIN Zhihua (Visiting Intern from Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University, since Aug. 2018)
  • ZHANG Liguo (visiting professor, Dec. 2017 - Dec. 2018)
  • SU Yijia (Research Assistant, Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2018)
  • MU Xing (Research Assistant, Mar. 2017 - Dec. 2018)
  • YUAN Linping (Visiting Intern from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Feb. 2018- Mar. 2018, Aug. 2018 - Nov. 2018)
  • Bing Ni (Research Associate and Computer Officer, since Mar. 2016)
  • XIE Liwenhan (Visiting Intern from Peking University, Jul. - Aug. 2018)
  • Alexander Merle Franklin (Visiting UG student from Pomona College, Jun - Jul 2018)
  • Kristanto Sean N (Research Assistant, Nov. 2016 - Jul 2018)
  • Shaozu Cao (PhD student, from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2017)
  • Haiyan Yang (Research Assistant, Mar. 2016 - Aug. 2017)
  • Janice CHUI (Visiting UG student from MIT, Jun. - Jul. 2016)
  • Shuye Sun (Visiting PG student from China Academy of Arts, Nov. 2015 - Apr. 2016)
  • Zhipeng Wang (Visiting PG student from China Academy of Arts, Nov. 2015 - Apr. 2016)
  • Kuansheng Zou (Visiting Scholar from Jiangsu Normal University, Dec. 2014 - Nov. 2015)
  • Chunyan Ma (Visiting Scholar from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Dec. 2014 - Nov. 2015)
  • Wang Xi (Visiting Intern from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Aug. 2015 - Sep. 2015)
  • Weifeng Chen (Visiting Scholar from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Sep. 2015 - Nov. 2015)
  • Yuhua Liu (Visiting Intern from East China Normal University, Mar. 2015 - Aug. 2015) (Now associate professor at Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
  • Qiaomu Shen (Visiting Intern and Research Assistant, from Sichuan University, since Jun. 2014)
  • Fangzhou Guo (Visiting Intern and Research Assistant from Zhejiang University, Sep. 2014 - May. 2015)
  • Jiayi Xu (Research Assistant, Sep. 2014 - Jul. 2015; Joined PhD of Ohio State University at 2015))
  • Zhiguang Zhou (Visiting Scholar from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Jan. 2015 - Apr. 2015)
  • Jiayu Tang (Visiting Intern from Tsinghua University, Jul. 2013 - Aug. 2013)
  • Guodao Sun (Visiting Intern from Zhejiang University of Technology, Feb. 2013 - Jun. 2013, now professor at Zhejiang University of Technology)
  • Fan Du (Visiting Intern from Zhejiang University, Sep. 2012 - Mar. 2013, joined PhD of University of Maryland at 2013)
  • Shiguo Huang (Visiting Scholar from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Jul. 2013 - Aug. 2013)
  • Li Liu (Visiting Scholar from Beijing Technology and Business University, Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2013)
  • Yunhai WANG (Research Assistant from China Academy of Science, January 2010 - April 2010) (Now Professor at Renmin University)
  • Anbang XU (Research Assistant from Beijing Normal University, January 2007 - August 2007; Joined PhD of UIUC at 2009) (Now Nvidia)
  • Xiaotao YANG (Research Assistant from Fudan University, Feb 2007 - April 2007)
  • Zhengmao XIE (Visiting Scholar from Peking University, July 2006 - September 2006)
  • Ying TANG (Visiting Scholar from Zhejiang University, April 2005 - Februrary 2006) (Now Professor of Computer Science, Zhejiang University of Technology)
Selected UROP/FYP students:
  • WANG Yanbang (UROP at 2017/2018, join Ms of Stanford at 2019)
  • GU Qiao (UROP at 2018, Winner of UROP award, join Ms of CMU at 2019)
  • DU Xinnan (FYP at 2018, Winner of Best FYP, join Ms of CMU at 2019)
  • ZHU Xinyu (FYP at 2018, Winner of Best FYP, join Ms of CMU at 2018)
  • YU Zheqing (FYP at 2018, Winner of Best FYP, join Ms of Berkeley at 2018)
  • CHEN Shaoyu (UROP at 2015, Winner at The IEEE VGTC VPG International Data-Visualization Contest 2015, join PhD of NYU at 2017)
  • ZOU Yuxuan (UROP at 2015, Winner at The IEEE VGTC VPG International Data-Visualization Contest 2015, join UIUC at 2017)
  • DENG Bowen (UROP at 2015; co-authored paper, join CMU at 2017)
  • WU Tongshuang (UROP at 2014; FYT at 2015; joined PhD of University of Washington at 2016; IEEE PacificVis Best Notes Award) (Now assistant professor at CMU)
  • Po Ming Law (FYT at 2015; joined PhD of Georgia Tech at 2016; The HKUST Academic Achievement Medal Winner)
  • CHAN Yuek Yin (UROP and FYP at 2015; joined PhD of New York University at 2016; Best FYP and ASM Technology Award Winner; UROP Award First Runner Up; IEEE VAST Challenge Honorable Mention; now researcher at Adobe Research)
  • WANG Tianyu (UROP at 2015; joined PhD of Duke University at 2016; IEEE VAST Challenge Honorable Mention)
  • WANG Ding (FYP at 2014; joined PhD of University of California, San Diego at 2015)
  • GAO Lisheng (FYP at 2014; joined Msc of Carnegie Mellon University at 2016; The HKUST Academic Achievement Medal Winner)
  • XU Lanxiao (UROP at 2014; joined Msc of Carnegie Mellon University at 2015)
  • YU Yue (UROP at 2009, joined PhD of Stanford at 2011)
  • WU You (UROP at 2008; joined PhD of Duke at 2010)
  • LIU Jingbo (UROP at 2008; Joined PhD of HKUST at 2010)
  • ZHUO Wei (UROP at 2007 and 2008; Joined PhD of Georgia Tech at 2009; The HKUST Academic Achievement Medal)
  • CHAN Wing Yi (UROP at 2005 and 2006; FYP at 2006; Joined Mphil of HKUST at 2007; The HKUST Academic Achievement Medal Winner)

University and Professional Activities:

  • Director of IPO and a member of senior administration team
  • Founding Head of Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA) (2021)
  • Founding Head of Computational Media and Arts (CMA) thrust area of HKUST Guangzhou (GZ) (2020)
  • Founding member of IEEE VIS steering committee (VSC)
  • Merit Review Committee of CSE (2020)
  • IEEE VGTC/VPG BEst Dissertation Award Committee (2020)
  • Steering Committee of IEEE VAST (2019)
  • University Appointments and Substantiation Committee (2019)
  • Best Paper Committee of IEEE VAST 2019, IEEE PacificVis 2019, IEEE SciVis 2016, EuroVis Short Papers 2016
  • IEEE VPG Best Dissertation Award Committee (2018)
  • Search Committee of HKUST CSE (2018)
  • Search Committee for HKUST CSE Department Head (2018)
  • Search Committee for HKUST ISD Department Head (2018)
  • Search Committee of HKUST ISD (Integrative System Design) Branch (2018)
  • Search & Appointments Committee of HKUST CSE (2018)
  • RAE Coordinator of HKUST CSE (2018 - 2019)
  • Merit Review Committee of HKUST IPO (2018)
  • Paper Co-Chair for IEEE VIS'18 (VAST), VIS'15 (SciVis), and VIS'14 (SciVis).
  • Coordinator of AdHoc Research Committee and FYP Committee (2017)
  • Coordinator of HCI Group
  • PG Director of CSE Department (2015-2017)
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
  • Secretary of IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee
  • Steering Committee of IEEE Pacific Visualization Conferences (2011-2015)
  • Steering Committee of VINCI Conferences
  • Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
  • Guest Editor for IEEE Computer Graphics and Application
  • Guest Editor for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
  • Vice Program Co-Chair for ChinaGraph 2014.
  • Program Co-Chair Pacific Visualization Symposium 2012
  • Conference Co-Chair: Visual Information Communication - International Symposium 2011
  • Program Co-Chair: Pacific Visualization Symposium 2011
  • Program Committee for IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) 2011
  • Program Committee for Pacific Graphics 2011 (Taiwan)
  • Program Committee for IEEE Virtual Reality 2011 (Singapore)
  • Program committee for EuroVis 2011 (Bergen, Norway)
  • Co-organizer for Intelligent Visual Interfaces for Text Analysis Workshop 2010
  • Treasurer for ACM Intelligent User Interface 2010 (Hong Kong)
  • Session Chair: IEEE Visualization 2009, 2010, Pacific Visualization Symposium 2009
  • Program Committee: IEEE Visualization 2008, 2009, 2010
  • Program Committee: Pacific Visualization 2008, 2009, 2010
  • Program Committee: Chinagraph 2010
  • Program Committee for VINCI'10 (Peking), VCBM'10 (Leipzig)
  • Program Committee: Volume Graphics 2006, 2007, 2008



For the complete publication, please click here.


  • Conglei Shi, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu: LoyalTracker: Visualizing Loyalty Dynamics in Search Engines. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1733-1742 (2014)
  • Zuchao Wang, Tangzhi Ye, Min Lu, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, Jacky Yuan, Qianliang Wu: Visual Exploration of Sparse Traffic Trajectory Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1813-1822 (2014)
  • Wei Zeng, Chi-Wing Fu, Stefan Mьller Arisona, Alexander Erath, Huamin Qu: Visualizing Mobility of Public Transportation System. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1833-1842 (2014)
  • Zhen Wang, Liqiang Zhang, Tian Fang, P. Takis Mathiopoulos, Huamin Qu, Dong Chen, Yuebin Wang: A Structure-Aware Global Optimization Method for Reconstructing 3-D Tree Models From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data. IEEE T. Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(9): 5653-5669 (2014)
  • Jiansu Pu, Siyuan Liu, Panpan Xu, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni: MViewer: mobile phone spatiotemporal data viewer. Frontiers of Computer Science 8(2): 298-315 (2014)
  • Guodao Sun, Yang Liu, Wenbin Wu, Ronghua Liang, Huamin Qu: Embedding Temporal Display into Maps for Occlusion-Free Visualization of Spatio-temporal Data. PacificVis 2014: 185-192
  • Yik-Wai Ng, Huamin Qu: TrendFocus: Visualization of trends in financial news with indicator sets. BigComp 2014: 7-12
  • Lu Lu, Nan Cao, Siyuan Liu, Lionel M. Ni, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu: Visual Analysis of Uncertainty in Trajectories. PAKDD (1) 2014: 509-520
  • Hong Zhou, Panpan Xu, Zhong Ming, Huamin Qu: Parallel Coordinates with Data Labels. VINCI 2014: 49


  • Conglei Shi, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu: LoyalTracker: Visualizing Loyalty Dynamics in Search Engines. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1733-1742 (2014)
  • Zuchao Wang, Tangzhi Ye, Min Lu, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, Jacky Yuan, Qianliang Wu: Visual Exploration of Sparse Traffic Trajectory Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1813-1822 (2014)
  • Wei Zeng, Chi-Wing Fu, Stefan Mьller Arisona, Alexander Erath, Huamin Qu: Visualizing Mobility of Public Transportation System. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 20(12): 1833-1842 (2014)
  • Zhen Wang, Liqiang Zhang, Tian Fang, P. Takis Mathiopoulos, Huamin Qu, Dong Chen, Yuebin Wang: A Structure-Aware Global Optimization Method for Reconstructing 3-D Tree Models From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data. IEEE T. Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(9): 5653-5669 (2014)
  • Jiansu Pu, Siyuan Liu, Panpan Xu, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni: MViewer: mobile phone spatiotemporal data viewer. Frontiers of Computer Science 8(2): 298-315 (2014)
  • Guodao Sun, Yang Liu, Wenbin Wu, Ronghua Liang, Huamin Qu: Embedding Temporal Display into Maps for Occlusion-Free Visualization of Spatio-temporal Data. PacificVis 2014: 185-192
  • Yik-Wai Ng, Huamin Qu: TrendFocus: Visualization of trends in financial news with indicator sets. BigComp 2014: 7-12
  • Lu Lu, Nan Cao, Siyuan Liu, Lionel M. Ni, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu: Visual Analysis of Uncertainty in Trajectories. PAKDD (1) 2014: 509-520
  • Hong Zhou, Panpan Xu, Zhong Ming, Huamin Qu: Parallel Coordinates with Data Labels. VINCI 2014: 49


  • Panpan Xu, Yingcai Wu, Enxun Wei, Tai-Quan Peng, Shixia Liu, Jonathan J. H. Zhu, Huamin Qu: Visual Analysis of Topic Competition on Social Media. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 19(12): 2012-2021 (2013)
  • Siyuan Liu, Jiansu Pu, Qiong Luo, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni, Ramayya Krishnan: VAIT: A Visual Analytics System for Metropolitan Transportation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14(4): 1586-1596 (2013)
  • Yu-Xin Ma, Jia-Yi Xu, Dichao Peng, Ting Zhang, Cheng-Zhe Jin, Huamin Qu, Wei Chen, Qunsheng Peng: A Visual Analysis Approach for Community Detection of Multi-Context Mobile Social Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 28(5): 797-809 (2013)
  • Panpan Xu, Fan Du, Nan Cao, Conglei Shi, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu. “Visual Analysis of Set Relations in a Graph”, Computer Graphics Forum, 2013.
  • Wei Zeng, Chi-Wing Fu, Stefan Muller Arisona, Huamin Qu. “Visualizing Interchange Patterns in Massive Movement Data”, Computer Graphics Forum, 2013.
  • Guodao Sun, Ronghua Liang, Fuli Wu, Huamin Qu: A Web-based visual analytics system for real estate data. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 56(5): 1-13 (2013).
  • Quan Li, Huamin Qu, Li Chen, Robert Wang, Jun-Hai Yong, Detan Si: Visual analysis of retweeting propagation network in a microblogging platform. VINCI 2013: 44-53
  • Jiansu Pu, Siyuan Liu, Ye Ding, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni: T-Watcher: A New Visual Analytic System for Effective Traffic Surveillance. MDM (1) 2013: 127-136


  • Conglei Shi, Weiwei Cui, Shixia Liu, Panpan Xu, Wei Chen, Huamin Qu: RankExplorer: Visualization of Ranking Changes in Large Time Series Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 18(12): 2669-2678 (2012)
  • Nan Cao, Yu-Ru Lin, Xiaohua Sun, David Lazer, Shixia Liu, Huamin Qu: Whisper: Tracing the Spatiotemporal Process of Information Diffusion in Real Time. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 18(12): 2649-2658 (2012)
  • Weiwei Cui, Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Wenbin Zhang, Steven Skiena: Watch the Story Unfold with TextWheel: Visualization of Large-Scale News Streams. ACM TIST 3(2): 20 (2012)
  • Yuan Gao, Panpan Xu, Lu Lu, He Liu, Siyuan Liu, Huamin Qu: Visualization of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence. ISVC (2) 2012: 275-284
  • Jiansu Pu, Siyuan Liu, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni: Visual Fingerprinting: A New Visual Mining Approach for Large-Scale Spatio-temporal Evolving Data. ADMA 2012: 502-515


  • Nan Cao, David Gotz, Jimeng Sun and Huamin Qu. “DICON : Interactive Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Clusters”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2011.
  • Weiwei Cui, Shixia Liu, Li Tan, Conglei Shi, Yangqiu Song, Zekai Gao, Xin Tong, and Huamin Qu. “TextFlow: Towards Better Understanding of Evolving Topics in Text”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2011.
  • He Liu, Yuan Gao, Lu Lu, Siyuan Liu, Huamin Qu, Lionel M. Ni. “Visual Analysis of Route Diversity”, IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST), 2011.
  • Weiwei Cui, Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Wenbin Zhang, Steve Skiena. “Watch the Story Unfold with TextWheel: Visualization of Large-Scale News Streams”. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems. Accepted for publication.
  • Wai-Ho Mak, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu. “Visibility-Aware Direct Volume Rendering”. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 26(2): 217-228 (2011).


  • Nan Cao, Jimeng Sun, Yu-Ru Lin, David Gotz, Shixia Liu and Huamin Qu, "FacetAtlas: Multifacet Visualization for Rich Text Corpora", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis'10)
  • Yingcai Wu, Furu Wei, Shixia Liu, Norman Au, Weiwei Cui, Hong Zhou, and Huamin Qu, "OpinionSeer: Interactive Visualization of Hotel Customer Feedback", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis'10)
  • Nan Zhang, Huamin Qu, Robert Sweet, "Orientation-Preserving Rod Elements for Realtime Thin Shell Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics accepted for publication.
  • Wing-Yi Chan, Huamin Qu, and Wai-Ho Mak. "Visualizing the Semantic Structure in Classical Music Works", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Vol. 16, No.1 , 2010. (Cover Image)
  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Ka-Kei Chung, Ming-Yuen Chan, Hong Zhou. "Quantitative Effectiveness Measures for Direct Volume Rendered Images", IEEE Pacific Visualization 2010.
  • Weiwei Cui, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Furu Wei, Michelle Zhou, Huamin Qu. "Context Preserving Dynamic Word Cloud Visualization", IEEE Pacific Visualization 2010.


  • Huamin Qu, Haomian Wang, Weiwei Cui, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan. "Focus+Context Route Zooming and Information Overlay in 3D Urban Environments", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009. (Cover Image)
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, Wai-Ho Mak, Wei Chen, Huamin Qu. "Perception-Based Transparency Optimization for Direct Volume Rendering", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009. (Honorable Mention)
  • Yingcai Wu, Ka-Kei Chung, Huamin Qu, Xiaoru Yuan, S.C. Cheung. "Interactive Visual Optimization and Analysis for RFID Benchmarking", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009.
  • Xiaoru Yuan, Peihong Guo, He Xiao, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu. "Scattering Points in Parallel Coordinates", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009. (Cover Image)
  • Wei Chen, Zi'ang Ding, Song Zhang, Anna MacKay-Brandt, Stephen Correia, Huamin Qu, John Allen Crow, David F. Tate, Zhicheng Yan, Qunsheng Peng. "A Novel Interface for Interactive Exploration of DTI Fibers". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2009), vol. 15, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2009.
  • Hong Zhou, Weiwei Cui, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Xiaoru Yuan, Wei Zhuo. "Splatting the Lines in Parallel Coordinates", Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis'09), vol. 28, no. 3, 2009. (Cover Image)
  • Haomian Wang, Weiwei Cui, Hong Zhou, Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu. "Integrated Tourist Navigation System", 6th International Conference in Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV'09).
  • Wai-Ho Mak, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu. "Visibility-Aware Direct Volume Rendering with Animations". Workshop on Visualization Applications (VisWorkshop'09), Beijing, China, 2009.


  • Weiwei Cui, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu, Pak Chung Wong, and Xiaoming Li, "Geometry-Based Edge Clustering for Graph Visualization", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2008), vol. 14, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2008. (Cover Image)
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu, Ka-Kei Chung, Wai-Ho Mak, and Yingcai Wu, "Relation-Aware Volume Exploration Pipeline", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2008), vol. 14, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
  • Hong Zhou, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, Weiwei Cui, Baoquan Chen. "Visual Clustering in Parallel Coordinates", Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis'08), vol. 27, no. 3, 2008.
  • Hong Zhou, Xiaoru Yuan, Weiwei Cui, Huamin Qu, Baoquan Chen. “Energy-Based Hierarchical Edge Clustering of Graphs", IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2008, pp. 55-62, 2008
  • Hong Zhou, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chen, Huamin Qu, Zhengmao Xie, Xiaoming Li. "Knowledge Discovery by Network Visualization", Edutainment'08, 2008
  • Wai-Ho Mak, Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, Ka-Kei Chung, Huamin Qu: VoxelBars: An Informative Interface for Volume Visualization. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2008, pp. 161-170, 2008
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Wai-Ho Mak, Huamin Qu: An Efficient Quality-Based Camera Path Planning Method for Volume Exploration. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2008, pp. 12-21, 2008


  • Huamin Qu, Wing-Yi Chan, Anbang Xu, Kai-Lun Chung, Kai-Hon Lau, Ping Guo. "Visual Analysis of The Air Pollution Problem in Hong Kong", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of Visualization / Information Visualization 2007), Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1408 – 1415, 2007.
  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu. “Interactive Transfer Function Design Based on Editing Direct Volume Rendered Images", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 13, No.5, pp. 1027--1040, 2007
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, and Huamin Qu. "Quality Enhancement of Direct Volume Rendered Images", 6th IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics (VG'07), pp. 25 - 32, 2007. (Cover Image)
  • Yingcai Wu, Anbang Xu, Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu, and Ping Guo. "Palette-Style Volume Visualization", to appear in 6th IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics (VG'07), pp. 33 - 40, 2007.
  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Ka-Kei Chung, Wai-Ho Mak, and Anbang Xu . "Quantitative Effectiveness Metrics for Direct Volume Rendering", poster session of IEEE Visualization 2007. Best poster candidate.
  • Hong Zhou, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, and Baoquan Chen. "Visual Clustering in Parallel Coordinates". poster session of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.


  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Ming-Yuen Chan. “Focus+Context Visualization with Animation”. IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT’06), pp. 1293 - 1302, sinchu, Taiwan, December 11-13, 2006.
  • Hon-Cheng Wong, Huamin Qu, Un-Hong Wong, Zesheng Tang, Klaus Mueller. “A Perceptual Framework for Comparisons of Direct Volume Rendered Images”. 2006 IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT’06), pp. 1314- 1323, December 11-13, 2006.
  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Ming-Yuen Chan. "Fusing Features in Direct Volume Rendered Images". International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’06), pp. 273-282, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, Nov. 6-8, 2006.
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Hong Zhou. "Viewpoint Selection for Angiographic Volume", International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’06), pp. 528-537, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, Nov. 6-8, 2006.
  • Nan Zhang, Xiaoru Yuan, Baoquan Chen and Huamin Qu. "Raycasting Feature-Enhanced Distance Field". Poster, poster session of IEEE Visualization 2006.
  • Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Ming-Yuen Chan. "Transfer Function Fusing". Poster, poster session of IEEE Visualization 2006. Best Poster Candidate.
  • Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Ming-Yuen Chan. "Volume Visualization on Mobile Devices", Proceedings of 14th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG' 06), pp. 76 - 84, 2006.
  • Minh X. Nguyen, Xiaoru Yuan, Thanh V. Nguyen, Jie Chen, Baoquan Chen, Huamin Qu. "Text Splatting", Proceedings of 14th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG' 06), pp. 198 - 201, 2006.
  • Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Yingcai Wu. “Controllable and Progressive Edge Clustering for Large Networks”. 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD’06), pp. 399 - 404, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18 - 20, 2006.
  • Ying Tang, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Hong Zhou. "Natural Textures for Weather Data Visualization", 10th International conference on information visualization, pp. 741-750, 2006.
  • Ming-Yuen Chan, Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu, Albert C.S. Chung, and Wilbur C. K. Wong. "MIP-Guided Image Visualization with Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function", Computer Graphics International 2006, pp. 372-384, Regular Paper.


  • Huamin Qu, Hong Zhou, Yingcai Wu. "PSALM: A Data Model for Pervasive Visualization", IEEE Visualization 2005, Poster.
  • Hon-Cheng Wong, Huamin Qu, Un-Hong Wong, Zesheng Tang. "Perceptually-Based Comparisons of Direct Volume Rendered Images ", IEEE Visualization 2005, Poster.
  • Nan Zhang, Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "CSG Operations for Point Models with Implicit Connectivity" Computer Graphics International 2005


  • Huamin Qu, Nan Zhang, Ran Shao, Arie Kaufman, Klaus Mueller. "Feature Preserving Distance Fields", IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization 2004, pp. 39 - 46.
  • Nan Zhang, Huamin Qu, Wei Hong, Arie Kaufman. "SHIC, A View Dependent Rendering Framework for Isosurfaces", IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization 2004, pp. 63 - 70.
  • Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "O-Buffer: A Framework for Sample-Based Graphics". To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2004.
  • Ming Wan, Nan Zhang, Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Volumetric Environments", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 15 - 28

2003 and Before

  • Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman, Ran Shao, Ankush Kumar. "A Framework for Sample-Based Rendering with O-Buffers", IEEE Visualization 2003, pp. 441 - 448
  • Huamin Qu, Feng Qiu, Nan Zhang, Arie Kaufman, Ming Wan. "Ray Tracing Height Fields", Computer Graphics International 2003, pp. 202 - 207
  • Jianrong Dia, Yunping Zhu, Huamin Qu, Yimin Hu. "An Algorithm for Stereotactic Localization by Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Physics in Medicine and Biology 46 (2001), pp. N1 - N7
  • Jiafa Qin, Ming Wan, Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free IBR", International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2001, pp. 297 - 308
  • Ming Wan, Huamin Qu, Nan Zhang, Arie Kaufman. "Multiresolution Rendering of Large-Scale Voxel-Based Terrain", Seventh International conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, pp. 209 - 215, 2001.
  • Huamin Qu, Ming Wan, Jiafa Qin, Arie Kaufman. "Image-Based Rendering with Stable Frame Rates", IEEE Visualization 2000, pp. 251 - 258
  • Ming Wan, Nan Zhang, Arie Kaufman, Huamin Qu. "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Voxel-Based Terrain", IEEE Virtual Reality, 2000, pp. 197 - 206
  • Ming Wan, Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "Virtual Flythrough over a Voxel-Based Terrain", IEEE Virtual Reality, 1999, pp. 53 - 60 Chewei Huang, Huamin Qu, Arie Kaufman. "Volume Rendering with Haptic Interaction", Thrid PHANTOM Users Group Workshop, 1998, pp. 14 - 17
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